Any Questions?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, and we will respond as promptly as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the premium course subscription like?

With our premium course subscription, you unlock access to all our courses, including beat creation, recording, mixing, mastering, and business growth. Plus, you'll be part of our Discord community for as long as you're subscribed, connecting you with like-minded enthusiasts.

Can I write a guest article?

We welcome guest articles! Simply submit a ticket with a brief description of your article and a link to your blog. We'll reach out to you for further details.

How long does it take once payed to get sent the final mix?

The timeframe can range from 1 to 5 days, contingent on our order volume and the intricacies of the project details.

Does your package include mix and master?

Our base package includes mixing and mastering services for your music, utilizing WAV files to ensure top-quality audio production.